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My daughter has just started school and suddenly the house, like me, feels very empty - deserted even. What does one do with so much time??? The possibilities are so overwhelming, it's hard to choose any one thing. And yes, the house is a mess, the kids probably have no clean uniforms for tomorrow and the cereal is still out on the bench from breakfast, but what the hell....

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Why have I chosen pictures of San Fran when I live in Australia?

When I was looking through my photos, trying to find one that would inspire me for my blog, I came across these photos that I took at Pier 39, San Francisco in March 2002.

I remember that day so clearly - it was a crisp spring day and there was a tulip festival on.   I was 7 months pregnant and I was loving living in the States.  It was one of those days where life seemed so packed with beauty and potential and inspiration that I could barely contain myself as I marveled at the glorious arrangements of colour.   And later that day, back in the city, I found myself behind  a young woman, about the same age I was at the time.  She was wearing a pink backpack with a large smiley face on it.  This woman was blowing bubbles into the air as she walked, and as they wafted into the sky and dodged around office-bound pedestrians, people looked up at them and smiled and then smiled at the girl blowing them.  Such little things can create such long lasting memories.

When I look at those photos today, it reminds me of how inspired I felt that day and again I feel the anticipation of all the wonderful things in life still in store for me.


  1. Wonderful pictures of the flowers. I loved the image of the girl ahead of you blowing bubbles as she walked. Your joy in life is really showing in this piece.

    Thanks for visiting my blog. I have not read the New York book or any other by that author but I shall look him up. People probably have other ideas about New York, but you can enjoy whatever the author of the book you are reading has to say. Everyone is entitled.

  2. Thank you for visiting my blog.

    The flowers are beautiful. I loved San Francisco too. I love your gal who was blowing bubbles as she walked. You gotta love someone like that. You really showed your joy in living in this piece.

  3. Thanks for visiting my blog Bernie, As you can see, I am very new to the blogging world, but I am quickly getting hooked. What an incredible thing - to be able to share parts of people's lives and experiences from all over the world. I really appreciate you taking the time to visit and comment.
